Sorry to begin my very first substack article on such a somber note. Cynicism and pessimism is my specialty.
It wasn’t always like that, though. It started shortly after graduating high school, well, actually, I dropped out. I was too cool for school, so I just went and got a GED and didn’t miss a single question (true story, the bar must have been really low).
In any case, in my youth, I was highly optimistic. I grew up in the 90’s, arguably one of the best decades to grow up in. What changed? What happened?
Allow me to introduce to you my brother, Michael.
Michael had some baby mama drama of some kind and came to stay with me in the year of our Lord, 2004. Technically, it was my mother’s residence, but she was always off with her boyfriends. There, I was, 18 years old with basically a condo in the heart of the city, all to myself. It was definitely a party spot and fuck spot. Some of my oldest friends, who may become subscribers, can attest to that. (If so, drop a comment!)
Michael had a variety of issues, which I will spare you the details of, but in any case, when he came down that year from Ohio, my entire worldview shifted.
He introduced me to a character, whom is now a household name (he wasn’t then), named Alex Jones. He showed me a few documentaries that we pirated off of Limewire or some other file-sharing service. I learned all about the alternative narrative behind 911. I learned about the Bohemian Grove. I learned about FEMA camps, underground tunnels in mountains, and a lot of things which may or may not be true, but it was the first time in my life that I felt like I was getting some sort of top-secret information that wasn’t available to the general public.
No one was talking about this. I don’t know who Michael was interacting with, or how he got this information. All I know is that he was real heavy into the drug subculture. Especially psychedelics. Shrooms, acid, DXM, mescaline, all of the things. He was a “hippie” type rasta fella, listening to reggae all day and growing his hair into dreds. Before that sort of thing became cool, really. He was an OG, in many respects.
I don’t know WHAT he was on, but he was on to something. Of course, I had a very logical and rational mind at the time, or so I thought, and I often questioned and challenged these ideas he was proposing to me. The brainwashing was quite thorough. I was an all-american gung-ho alpha male fresh out of the military academy my parents sent me to when 9/11 occurred. I almost signed up to go fight in Iraq. By some miracle of God, I did not go. Another story, for another time.
Michael ended up hanging himself in that condo, just a couple of months after arriving. On top of all this new and wild information that I was learning, I was now faced with death and grief for the first time it my life. It changed me, there is no doubt. I lost that optimism. I began to hate the world and all of its cruelties and injustices. I avowed to fight it with every ounce of my being. Cue the next two decades of information warfare.
Why am I telling you all of this? I think its important to have a backstory of some kind, how these events shaped me, and how I came to find this “top-secret” information and research it.
So let’s keep all of that in mind, and arrive to the premise of my title.
Let’s talk about the Georgia Guidestones. Once again, I knew nothing of these things until Michael showed them to me.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
All of these statutes seem rather benign, don’t they? Hell, I have a hard time disagreeing with any of them, really. But who put them there? Who paid for it? No one knows. Apparently it was “RC Christian,” a psuedonym for some person, or institution. At the time, I believe Michael or Alex were suspecting Ted Turner. I don’t know if that’s still the hypothesis or not. Whoever it was, was certainly a man of means.
I’m not saying the guidestones are bad, evil, or even Luciferian as many of the radical nutjobs claim. BUT, let’s focus on the very first “commandment”, if you will. We must maintain population numbers at 500,000,000 (500 million). Who came up with this prescription? We’re currently sitting a bit over 8 billion, heading towards 9 billion, soon.
Obviously, these people aren’t going to willfully give up their lives, so how do we achieve this utopian target?
I can think of a few ways we could do it, and none of them are pretty.
1. Contraceptives and legalized abortion
2. Highly lethal genetically modified viral organisms engineered by rogue scientists:
3. A vaccine to treat said virus, which by all measures, does more harm than good:
4. Socially engineered race wars or civil wars, unlimited immigration:
5. Opiate and fentanyl crises, leading to massive overdoses and suicides:
6. Last, but not least, THERMONUCLEAR WARFARE, i.e. World War 3.
I’m only scratching the surface, of course, there are many more avenues and methods of killing off humanity, and I’m just pulling these off the top of my head.
But I really want to focus on the last point. Our so-called “leaders” are leading us straight into direct conflict with Russia, at this very moment. NATO and the US are sending billions of dollars in cash, equipment, and even clandestine personnel to the front in Ukraine.
You won’t hear about a lot of this on the mainstream news, (of course), but there are planes, drones, and even NATO soldiers getting KO’d on the battlefield as we speak. We are crossing ALL of the “red lines” that Putin has said that we dare not cross.
Pardon my french, but these motherfuckers WANT an apocalypse. They are a psychopathic death cult hellbent on killing all of us. What do they care? They have millions and billions and can hole up in their bunkers while the rest of us have our eyes implode and skin peel off, you’ll be hoping you’re immediately incinerated in the fire, because radiation poisoning is not pretty.
They have plans to inherit what’s left of the world, and the rest of us will burn and starve. I truly think this is their plan, because there is no other explanation for all of the escalation currently occurring in Ukraine.
I see these college students protesting for Palestine (rightfully so), I see blacks protesting against police violence, I see people protesting Bud light for tranny ads, I see a lot of people bitching and whining about a lot of shit, while completely ignoring the giant fucking wooly mammoth in the living room. Why is no protesting against total fucking nuclear annihilation? Does this not frighten anyone? Or are we so distracted by all of these petty issues (in comparison) that the NPC’s can’t see death knocking on their door?
Apparently Climate Change is our greatest threat. It very well may BE a threat of some kind, but it’s certainly not as great a threat as a nuclear apocalypse. In my “humble” opinion, at least. Climate change can be debated, and scientists can vary on opinion. There’s no variance in opinions when it comes to death by uranium fission. Or even worse, hydrogen fusion.
Can we at least organize our “threats” and complaints into a hierarchy or priority of some kind? WW3 is at the top of my list, and it should be at the top of yours too. Go ahead, block the roads, hold your signs, scream and yell at the politicians. Hell, blame it on white people if you want, I’m all for it.
Whatever you think about Putin, Russia, NATO, the US, none of it matters. Our species is at risk for extinction. Even if Putin wanted to take Ukraine and make it his personal fiefdom (although that’s not what is going on), I’d say let him have it. It’s a hell of a lot better than being instantaneously incinerated, or starving to death in a nuclear winter.
If you’re not preparing in some way for what seems to be an inevitable march towards destruction, then I pity the fool.
You truly are sheep, and your wool be ripe for the harvest. As for me, and mine - I am doing what it takes to prepare and survive such a scenario, and many others. At the end of the day, I am a prepper. I suggest you start preparing, as well.
That is all.