Backstory/Premise: I’m sure we’ve all seen the frightening rise in misogyny in the most recent decade, and with good reason.
Women in the West have become insufferable and incorrigible, with very few exceptions. The examples are everywhere, and I don’t need to list them all in a bullet-point thesis. It’s so ubiquitous, even the NPC’s are aware of it.
I won’t be focusing on the women, there are writers such as
I want to focus on the men, and what WE can do to stem the decline.
There are a few proposed solutions out there, everything from Andrew Tate to MGTOW. Women have become SO bad, that they have allowed neanderthalistic pinheads such as this to proliferate, and grift young men with their toxic ideology:
I remember when being an “Alpha” and Alpha Male Theology was still underground, and it started in the early internet PUA (pick up artist) communities, which I was definitely a part of. I utilized and adopted many of the strategies and tactics these early pioneers proposed, and to great success. My 20’s were a decade of debauchery, sleeping with and bagging as many women as I could get under my belt. I used this as bragging rights, and to create a cult of personality around myself as a “pimp”, which actually created a psychological effect on women to my advantage. “He gets a lot of pussy, maybe I should give him my pussy too,” women are funny like that. It’s all human biological evolution.
It seems that when the whole “Alpha male” thing went mainstream, that it started to backfire against us. We became the “bad guys”, and instead women started shacking up with effeminate and weak-willed soycucks, who would obey their every word. Coupled with radical feminist ideology and the desire to dominate men in every arena (the workplace, the home, the white house), men of the traditional persuasion got kicked to the curb. I’ve noticed this myself, as my annual pussy ratios dropped to all-time lows. I used to speak in weekly or even monthly terms, now it has become annual.
There are a lot of men that think returning to “traditional” Christian arrangements is the solution. Let’s chain her to the stove and smack her over the head with the Bible. That’ll teach her!
I’m sorry, but we didn’t need Christianity in the mid 2010’s, early 2000’s, or even the 90’s to get laid. In fact, it was the opposite. Women were a lot different during this time. They were more fun, they were more laid back, they were more casual. They were the kind of people you wanted to be around and invite to parties or hang out with. They didn’t have insufferable political positions, they were content and happy just being hot chicks and having a good time.
They didn’t dye their hair crazy colors, they didn’t have septum piercings (hello, you look like livestock, and act like it too), and they stayed out of the men’s traditional arenas (politics, ideology, etc).
We know what happened. The colleges, the social media, radical feminism, OnlyFans.
We know what happened to them. We don’t need to provide all of the receipts.
But as men, how do we deal with this new paradigm? How do we solve this problem?
1. Do we further alienate them by becoming literally “toxically masculine”? (Tateism)
2. Do we attempt to constrain them and put them “in their place”? (Tradwifeism)
3. Do we simply remove ourselves from their discourse and social spaces? (MGTOW)
No, I don’t think any of those are viable solutions. So what am I proposing?
Honestly, I don’t know. That’s why I’m bringing it up. If you were looking for some brilliant insight or conclusion, I’m very sorry to disappoint. But I have a few ideas.
1. Bash incels and incel rhetoric when and where you see it, mock them, and enlighten them.
2. Drop the world “Alpha,” it doesn’t mean what it used to. It’s now common parlance, which basically means it’s not cool anymore.
3. Promote “how things used to be” over “how it is now”. Teach them that they were better off under previous paradigms, and were much happier. Show them how generally miserable they are (both men and women) under current dating conditions, and how we should revert to the way things were, without needing religion.
4. Infiltrate their spaces, cross into enemy territory, and use charisma, guile, or romance to win them over to ‘our cause’.
I’m not a smart man, to quote Forrest Gump, nor am I that wise. But I do know one thing; bitching, complaining, and whining about a problem never solves it. We need to brainstorm solutions, counter-tactics and strategies, and adapt and evolve to the new world we’re living in.
If the skinnyfat “Betas” with weak beards and bodies are getting all the pussy now, and the “Alphas” are not, then I guess we’re not really Alphas anymore? Perhaps we need to evolve our strategies to the “Beta” mindset. I’m not saying we pander or approve of their ‘bad behavior’, but we don’t become virulent misogynists, either. That’s not how you win friends and allies.
I don’t know, maybe, just MAYBE… listen to them. Perhaps women actually have minds of their own, and have some viable complaints about their condition. What I’m saying here will be considered heresy in many of the circles I operate in. Blasphemy!
What choice do you have? You can either keep bitching and complaining to a bunch of other dudes on the internet that aren’t getting pussy either, or you can humble yourselves a bit, and give these chicks a shoulder to cry on.
Have you ever placed yourselves in their shoes? Have you ever thought once, what it would be like to be a woman? I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I’ve had a few “catfish” accounts (for marketing purposes, or other nefarious activities) in the past. The amount of disgusting and vile comments and pictures I would receive from random men (Boomers, wiggers, arabs, and pajeets) is enough to make you want to annihilate mankind. I can honestly see why these bitches say things like, “We don’t need men.”
Try it. Go create a Facebook account right now use any average woman’s picture. She doesn’t have to be a 9. You can do it with a 6. She can even be fat. Just show a bit of cleavage. In a span of a few hours you will receive dozens, if not hundreds, of unsolicited marriage proposals and misshapen dick pictures.
Now, unless you’re into dicks (you’re probably on the wrong substack, if so), you would become disgusted and appalled.
If you’re a man, you know how disgusting our minds can be. You know how our dicks preoccupy 90% of our conscious and unconscious brain capacity. You’ve leered at women, or stared. Assuming you’re straight, have you ever had a gay man do this to you? Do you remember how it felt? Do you remember feeling unsafe, perturbed, disgusted, and even angry? Do you remember feeling the need to take a shower afterwards?
Yeah, that’s probably what’s it like to be a woman, except every day of the fucking week, for as long as you’ve lived. They need a PROTECTOR. In a world full of perverts, pedophiles, rapists, and scumbags - they need YOU to be the one that shields them from it. Be that man. Be the safe haven, the shoulder to cry on, the ear that listens.
It’s not always pleasant. They talk about the most inane and boring shit, sometimes. Whether it’s gossip, small-talk, or the most insignificant details about their day and what they had for lunch or what Sheila said in the office. Do your best to live through this torture. In return, you get your dick wet. It’s not that hard (that’s what she said!).
It might take some time for her to come around. She might go run off with Chad, Brad, and Tyrone for a few years and then come back with her sob stories about those men someday. Don’t turn her away. She is human. She is fallible. She is a silly woman.
Cast your purity, pride, and self-righteousness aside. Put yourself in Jenny’s shoes.
Just once. Just for once in your fucking life. It’s not always about you.
The best thing you can do in this life and on this planet is to be an asset and a help for other people. Every religion speaks of this, from Christianity to Jainism. This is the purpose of your soul. Be like Forrest, he wasn’t a smart man, but he was a good man.
And maybe, just maybe, someday she will reward you with a handsome and highly intelligent son, even though you were a retard your whole life.
In conclusion, the relations between men and women will never be perfect.
We will never fully get our way, and they will never fully get theirs.
We must achieve balance in our relations, if we wish to heal this most recent divide.
It’s definitely by design, and I alluded to its motivation in my previous post.
It’s all about population control. The infamous “they”, whoever and wherever they may be, have utilized this strategy in order to keep our numbers down. They don’t want us to reproduce. Whether it’s contraceptives, abortions, or conquer-by-divide gender and sex wars.
Keep this in mind whenever you’re spouting your misogynistic take, (or for any women that may be reading, misandrist); you are playing right into “their” hands. You are doing exactly what they want you to do. Reject these impulses.
The scientific and technological elite understand human psychology and motives better than we (the general populace) do, and they are manipulating our own base tendencies against us.
We must continue to win the information war, but not by alienating our women. We must bring them into the fold, and make them our allies. Teach them. Hold them. Hug them. Protect them. And fuck them. IN THAT ORDER.
Listen, I am no saint, I am no guru, and in fact, I am nothing like Forrest. I am not a good man. I’m just a retard. I am still learning, evolving, and adapting; just like you, hopefully.
There is nothing inherently wrong with “embracing your femininity”, as a man. We do have an X chromosome, after all. It won’t hurt us to pet some puppies, show up with some flowers, and be nice to people. All of this HOO-RAH, gung-ho, frat-boy behavior some of these guys think is the epitome of being a man? That appeals to sorority girls, not women. If that’s your goal, to bag some naive 19 year-olds, then go for it. But if you want a real, mature, woman… they abhor that shit. It might make them squirm a little bit and clutch their thighs, but at the end of the day, it’s not who they want as a life partner.
It’s not optimal, and it doesn’t seem fair or right that the Chads bang, and the Johns hang - but you need to study psychosexual behavior and its evolution in humans to understand that it is an innate and undeniable biological fact. Be the Chad who fucks, or the John who cucks. Those are your options. But I think, there may be a middle-ground to be found.
That’s all I’ve got.
Thank you for reading my rambling diatribe! If you like this content, and want to see more, please consider subscribing! Supporting this content financially is a great incentive and motivation to get me to write more.
I want to personally thank our very first subscriber
I agree on the solution. It is being the men they need, the protectors, the truly male figure. The traditional one, the one society has forgotten. The man who does not let his wife run roughshod over him, and the one who knows exactly how she will attempt to exert that common female manipulation and destruction. These are notorious characteristics nearly universal with them and men being fooled and preyed upon is simply lack of education - we've been severed from the teachings of traditional society in so many ways it's left men vulnerable to the machinations of heavily (both socially and financially) subsidized women.
They may demand six feet, six figures, and eight inches - those men are one one-hundredth of the population and the wealthy men of status are very good at recognizing their own worth. The female social-climbers are easy to pick out, and the general subscribers to Tate aren't defending themselves against them in the least. They're simply ripening their own social status as a farther attractant.
You can't fix them all, but becoming a willing casualty and letting your line die off simply due to taking the easy route of non-interaction is weak. Persistence and confidence are the name of the game - the "toxic" pursuer is another feminist myth. Women commonly write pornography (to the point of social normalization) with that literally as a common trope, the being wanted, of being obsessed over. Looks and wealth help but allowing yourself to be defined by your target is another dangerous trained behavior.